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CS Desktop Notes

This small program to easily add the notes on your desktop, such as-provides


"This small program on your desktop easily add-after" not like
dovnload.co.uk Editor: This small program to easily add after-notes, such as the Windows desktop allows. You can use a separate appearance for each note.
Nice and intuitive interface and minimal system resources not consume excessively large number of features.
Put in the system tray icon for quick access to the program.
To add a new note to the tray just double-click the program icon. Double-click the time icon, new note text to the clipboard contents will be established if you hold down the SHIFT key. Existing note can be changed by double-clicking.
* Tray icon for easy operation
* Selectable colors, fonts, size for each note from note edit window.
* You can set the "not within the top menu.
* Your 0% only 90% of single notes using note context menu, you can set individual transparency notes notes "all the time. (Only Windows 2000, XP)
* Quick note creation from clipboard text.
* Unicode version available.
* Unregistered program allow the desktop to add more than three notes. Now you can download free CS Desktop Notes 3.6.

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